Summers End in the High Country

Here's a few photos I took yesturday while hiking up in the mountains. Summer is ending, the leaves and grasses are turning. Won't be long now til winter sets in.

16-Sept-2012-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-6 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

16-Sept-2012-6 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
My guesses would be:
1) Ypsilon Peak behind Horeshoe Park
2) Fall Canyon between Sundance Mountain and Mount Chapin
3) Mummy Mountain from Hidden Valley
4) Longs Peak through the aspens
5) Hayden Gorge across Forest Canyon from Trail Ridge
6) Mummy Mountain from Trail Ridge
The left side of 1) and the center distance in 2) show that this summer's smoke season isn't entirely over, but your strong foregrounds make the haze unimportant.
You've captured the start of the aspen turning. I hope I can get to Colorado for as good an opportunity this year before the leaves are gone.
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
I hope you realize how lucky you are to live up there!