Waterscape? Bridgescape? ;)

Work is responsible for my recent absence in the challenges, although I do view weekly and vote for every challenge. Work at my 'normal job' happened to take me to Mackinaw on the 15th. I captured the image below while sitting on the beach (Rocks) waiting to capture the parade of lights which is a Semi Truck event after the truck show downtown St. Ignace where all the show trucks cross the Mighty Mac. I'm sure Mackinaw City is glad this event only happens once a year as all the trucks turn around downtown blowing their air horns, train horns and fog horns. Loudest evening in downtown Mackinaw.

Here is a short video sample of downtown Mackinaw after the shot. Caution, lower your volume... hopefully it doesn't affect your view of the photo. LOL :thumb
Side note: The H2O challenge was very interesting, I've been working on ways to control water shapes on glass laying flat. Once I get it figured out I'll let ya know!

Here is a short video sample of downtown Mackinaw after the shot. Caution, lower your volume... hopefully it doesn't affect your view of the photo. LOL :thumb
Side note: The H2O challenge was very interesting, I've been working on ways to control water shapes on glass laying flat. Once I get it figured out I'll let ya know!
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Thank You PedalGirl!