I do like this shot Tony,
I like the lush green color and the reflection.
I do wonder what black and white would do to it (not asking you to try it, just wondering) because of the lines on the court w/ the reflections etc. You almost don't see the lines because of all the color everywhere, it's almost distracting.
I do like this shot Tony,
I like the lush green color and the reflection.
I do wonder what black and white would do to it (not asking you to try it, just wondering) because of the lines on the court w/ the reflections etc. You almost don't see the lines because of all the color everywhere, it's almost distracting.
fun shot.
I dunno, Liz. I'm not good at converting to B&W when so many colors
are in the shot. I mess around with the sliders but I'm never sure I've
done it right. With a more monochromic image to start with, I do
better. But, judge for yourself:
Hey Tony,
Thanks for reposting in black and white. I had to see it for myself and agree with the others that color on this one works best (I blame your black and white conversion ). kidding;)
I like the lush green color and the reflection.
I do wonder what black and white would do to it (not asking you to try it, just wondering) because of the lines on the court w/ the reflections etc. You almost don't see the lines because of all the color everywhere, it's almost distracting.
fun shot.
I dunno, Liz. I'm not good at converting to B&W when so many colors
are in the shot. I mess around with the sliders but I'm never sure I've
done it right. With a more monochromic image to start with, I do
better. But, judge for yourself:
the reflections make the shot.
I like both
Thanks for reposting in black and white. I had to see it for myself and agree with the others that color on this one works best (I blame your black and white conversion