black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 19, 2012
Boy, Tony, this one's a toughie for much as it goes against the grain of my usual preference, I'll vote B/W on this one. If I were going to give the lady a print, however, I'd give her the color's a little more easy on the eye, not so harsh.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
.......... If I were going to give the lady a print, however, I'd give her the color's a little more easy on the eye, not so harsh.
Ahhh....the look on her face doesn't say to me, "send an 8x10 glossy" - more-so an unwilling subject (regardless whether she is or isn't).
I vote color as it is more "real".
Ahhh....the look on her face doesn't say to me, "send an 8x10 glossy" - more-so an unwilling subject (regardless whether she is or isn't).
I vote color as it is more "real".
It was a grab shot, and the lady didn't seem pleased but didn't
Ahhh....the look on her face doesn't say to me, "send an 8x10 glossy" - more-so an unwilling subject (regardless whether she is or isn't).
I vote color as it is more "real".
It was a grab shot, and the lady didn't seem pleased but didn't
Thanks, all, for looking.
How it is presented seems to change what it is.