Still wanted to share: DSS 111 - Goat Scapes

I had an idea for a clever play on words and then happened across a few playful goats in scenic Shennandoah Valley... but with only one evening to load these up and lots of unpacking to do, I wasn't able to get these in to the contest...
ScapeGoat 1:

ScapeGoats 2:

Still interested in feedback, even though this contest has come and gone!
ScapeGoat 1:

ScapeGoats 2:

Still interested in feedback, even though this contest has come and gone!
And the 2 goats have a more dynamic posture than the 1 in #1. What are they looking at? It reminds me of the old stereotype of women up on a chair to avoid mice on the floor. (A really stupid stereotype - as if mice could not climb chairs.
In #1, the goat has a more faraway look. I could see a Goats Who Look at Men photo as being a good take on that stare into the distance.
I think that the goats are watching ME, watching THEM!
My Smugmug Photos