Calling all bloggers!!!

So I'm thinking about setting up a blogging ring or some kind of blogging network for all of us smugmug bloggers. This'll do a couple of things. First, it'll bring us together more as a community of photographers (and bloggers!) and second, it'll help gain more exposure for both our blogging and our photography.
If you're not a blogger currently, you should really consider it. First off, links are a big part of what drives google rankings. Obviously, I'm not advocating that we all go out there and link each other's blogs like crazy or anything (that would actually cause the search engines to put you lower in the rankings). But since we're all currently blogging, we may as well have a network to go along with it. Second, with a blog you can get exposure in other ways with sites like technorati. Exposure to your blog = exposure to your smumug site. Third, you can keep everyone informed about your latest updates and you can have more detailed information about who you are and what you do and why people should buy stuff from you (or just look at your pics). I'm sure there are other great reasons that I can't think of too.
Anyhow, if you're interested just reply to this thread and we'll get something started. Everyone is invited to join in with this (including chris, don, jt, andy, and whomever else from Smugmug).
If you're not a blogger currently, you should really consider it. First off, links are a big part of what drives google rankings. Obviously, I'm not advocating that we all go out there and link each other's blogs like crazy or anything (that would actually cause the search engines to put you lower in the rankings). But since we're all currently blogging, we may as well have a network to go along with it. Second, with a blog you can get exposure in other ways with sites like technorati. Exposure to your blog = exposure to your smumug site. Third, you can keep everyone informed about your latest updates and you can have more detailed information about who you are and what you do and why people should buy stuff from you (or just look at your pics). I'm sure there are other great reasons that I can't think of too.
Anyhow, if you're interested just reply to this thread and we'll get something started. Everyone is invited to join in with this (including chris, don, jt, andy, and whomever else from Smugmug).
Ok guys what is blogging ?
Is it just an area that people write stuff about themselves or a particular subject ?
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I'm not real clear on this myself, but from what I gather it's kinda like sitting around the bar / pub, drinking, and telling stories. Well....except for the drinking part.
Here are some...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I usually just google anything i want to know about but try googling that & you will go into melt down. I read pages & pages of stuff that bounced all over the place without a definition.
I want blogging to be a long back, neck, and scalp massage
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Personally, I've considered blogging on several occasions, but every time I take a look at the options out there for sites, well, I'm just not impressed. It's kinda like what I felt about all the photo sharing sites, untill I found smugmug. Personally, I'd really like a blog that is tightly integrated to my smugmug galleries.... like maybe built by smugmug and integrated into the service. (hint hint
Which apparently we don't just yet.
Well, this post will stay active for a little while so maybe some of our blogging friends on here will see it. Blogging = links. Links = higher google ratings. Higher google ratings = what we all want. It's a big circle jerk and it'd be worth everyone's while to take part in it. My previous blog was WAY more popular than it should have been because I was on list with a similar intent. There were something like 150 or 200 bloggers that all linked to the other bloggers in the group via a blogroll. So every time a blog was published from one of those 200 people, all the other people got free links from that person. Take this out to 200 people posting multiple times per week and you've got a heck of a thing going for you.
Even my current smugmug site (which I linked to from my old blog - which is linked to by all those other blogs) gets fantastic residuals STILL from this.
Anywho, maybe people'll want to do this, maybe not.