Mt Baker in autumn

this is a shot of Mt Baker, located about 90 miles northeast of where i live now. it's an active volcano, though it's behaved itself for most of the last 150 years or so... just enough seismic activity and so forth to keep the geologists and volcanologists watching it, when they aren't poking around Mt St Helens or Mt Rainier... i was planning to go up there last night, sack out in the car, and shoot the sunrise this morning, but the weather changed on me, and it's been cloudy. and drizzly since yesterday morning. first day of fall and all that...
they say it might clear up tonight, and if it does, i'll try to head up there to shoot the sunrise on Sunday instead... meanwhile, this is the mountain on a bright, sunny afternoon in late September 4 years ago, taken with my old 40D and Tammy 17-35 @ 17mm, 1/250 @ f/13... with a bit of luck, if the weather clears up on Sunday, i may be able to get more like this! 

~ Rocky
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
That's a nice image Rocky
I think I've skied that mountain before.
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