
Criticism and advice please

DemianDemian Registered Users Posts: 211 Major grins
edited September 24, 2012 in People
Okay, I took some pictures at this bar. I had no clue what I was doing. I was using a 5d2 with an 85 1.8 lens. The bar was dark, and it had a black ceiling with a HUGE pipe going right down the middle, so I put the flash on the cable so I could better control the light. Unfortunately, this meant I could not use the flash's focus-assist light, and it was rough to get to focus on ANYTHING. Eventually I gave up and changed the autofocus from center point to auto-select point, which helped it focused faster... but then threw some shots by focusing on the wrong thing.

Oh yeah, and there were a bunch of these yellowish red lights everywhere that made them look like martians. I tried to fix the skin tone as best as I could... ARGH

1/160 f/2.8 ISO 4000

1/125 f/2.2 ISO 2000

1/160 f/2 ISO 4000

A bunch of the shots I just screwed up from missed focus (In the second picture, focus is on the hand, in the third it's on the bow tie). But if I cranked up the aperture any more, it choked out the ambient light and the flash created really harsh shadows. If I kept the flash on camera I could use the focus assist on the center point, but that would mess up my light too!

Are these shots decent at least? What would you guys do here? :(


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    VayCayMomVayCayMom Registered Users Posts: 1,870 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2012
    these are great, I'd be happy if they were mine.

    NIKON D700
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    HackboneHackbone Registered Users Posts: 4,027 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2012
    For the conditions you had and inexperience I think you did a pretty good job. If you were doing a bar shoot for a bar you would have had alot more equipment to complete the job in a competent manner.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2012
    These look great - nothing to worry about at all with these results!
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    jonh68jonh68 Registered Users Posts: 2,711 Major grins
    edited September 24, 2012
    I think they look great considering the conditions and your equipment at the time.
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