
111 - starscapes - feedback post challenge

GeekGeek Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
edited September 28, 2012 in The Dgrin Challenges
Hi everyone,

On the last challenge I was pressed for time as I spent a week offline up in Montana so I didn't get time to request C&C before I departed.

The photo I submitted on a whim was this one:

I would love to hear feedback on a few of others I took that night and almost submitted instead

I personally like this one the most because I'm a geek and those dishes are huge & awesome

a friend saw this one and said "I love how you did the juxtaposition between the dish and the cactus both pointing up to the sky" to which I replied "it was dark.. I didn't even know the plant was there" :rofl

...I was going to call this one "time scape". I think it would look better if I burned the plants in the foreground a bit?
Edward in Colorado


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    RevLinePhotoRevLinePhoto Registered Users Posts: 354 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2012
    What a great set I especialy like the last one, where in Colorado are these I will have to visit them.
    BMW Tech
    Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
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    billseyebillseye Registered Users Posts: 847 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2012
    What a great set I especialy like the last one, where in Colorado are these I will have to visit them.

    I agree, a great set and a preference for the last one. The left right sky gradient and the offset of the center of interest to the right is really effective and not your typical composition. Nice work!
    Bill Banning

    Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
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    GeekGeek Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited September 23, 2012
    The dishes are north of Boulder in an area called Table Mesa. They are a mile west of the intersection of 75th and Nelson.
    Edward in Colorado
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    RevLinePhotoRevLinePhoto Registered Users Posts: 354 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2012
    Thanks I will have to make my up there soon.
    BMW Tech
    Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
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    WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited September 24, 2012
    I must be a geek, too. A appeals to me the most.

    I like the sky better in the one you submitted and the last one.

    All are really cool!
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    red_zonered_zone Registered Users Posts: 533 Major grins
    edited September 24, 2012
    Wow, these are great shots. I really liked the one you submitted, but I personally like the last one ...C... best. The sky colors from left to right are striking. I like the yucca stalks in the foreground pointing up toward the sky and dish - I would leave them as is - no burning necessary!
    B is a fine shot, but a little yellow and it bugs me a bit - your others are better.
    A is great detail on the dish, and the most definition of the milky way of any of the shots, and since it's just dish and stars, evicts a stronger theme - space / exploration / science - than any of the other ones.

    In other words, C is a great landscape, and you could probably sell A to NASA or Getty or somebody!
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    linyangchenlinyangchen Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited September 28, 2012
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. The one you submitted is my favourite, so I guess our tastes agree! I prefer the spectacular light in C, but it shows a little too much land for my personal preference (could possibly be cropped out though) and does not have the curvature of land and smallness of the 'mushrooms' that makes the cosmos feel boundless and infinite in your submitted shot.

    Best regards,

    where Photons meet Black Holes
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