Help pricing a company Christmas party

I was asked my a friend to photography a campy Christmas party at a hotel. I would shoot the event through the night. I would get a flat fee for the party. I would be able to set up a photo both before the event for portraits that would be separate for the party i would get all the profits form the photo booth. Their will be around 100 members their and their spouses. I don't really want to print the photos their on site. I could fill out a order form at the party witch they would pay for them send them the photos. I would be able to take credit cards at the party. Am i way off on how to work this?
canon 40D EF70- 200mm 1:2.8 l is usm EF28-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM
Will there be post processing of the images taken for the party involved?
I'd also be trying to get as much as possible from the coverage fee so you have some sort of worthwhile return for the night no matter how he portrait sales go.
The main thing with the portrait sales is to be able to display and sell them on the night. I'd be using a laptop with a large screen connected do you can show them easily and at a decent size. Selling is the important thing, delivery is secondary.
That said, I do think there is benifit in onsite for this kind of work.
I did a charity event 2 weeks ago that didn't promote us well and we had a crap spot to set up and present.
WE did pick up some well needed sales by pre printing everything and laying them out on the tables for people to see. People would purchase the shots, go back and show them round their table and then we had other people coming out saying they didn't realise the shots were going to look so good and they would like to have them taken now.
For 200 people onsite would be a walk in the park especially if you shot them all on the way into the room then printed the pics and had them available for sale after dinner. Make sure you get an agreement on being plugged x amount of times or every 30 min or whatever and a reminders at the end of the night for those that had pics taken to go see them.
One big benefit I see in onsite is not having to go through the time and expense of packaging and delivering the pics afterwards. In my experience something alsways gets lost or damaged and the people complain and you spend far too much time on that one $20 pic sale that it's worth.
I prefer to print it out, hand it over and I'm done.
I even try to burn the disk of the promo shots for the organisers on the night so I don't have to stuff around with that later.
If the onsite is somewhere you just don't want to go, I'd try to have a large monitor or TV running a slide show of the pics you have taken. We also get a lot of people looking at other peoples pics and then running back to tell them how good they look which leads to a number of different group pics being done. That saved us on the last job because you do one shot and sell it 4-8 times.
I'd also have some signage printed. I thought it was a bit over kill but you'd be amazed at the misconceptions people come up with when you are right there and thought what you were doing was obvious. Also try to get an agreement from the organisers that there will be an email sent out with mention that you will be there taking pics of everyone and by request and the prices.
The profit in this work is in the promotion and awareness you are there far over the pics themselves or how you deliver them.