The Party Company

So... after a dinner party at midnight I went to a parking lot to grab some snaps.
Why? The SF Erotic Exotic Costume Ball would be breaking up and I wanted to get some drunken revelers
So if partial sensual nudity bothers you don't scroll down....
Sensual? yeah right....



Why? The SF Erotic Exotic Costume Ball would be breaking up and I wanted to get some drunken revelers
So if partial sensual nudity bothers you don't scroll down....
Sensual? yeah right....




Interesting shots....
I think he's trying to tell us something about the kind of society in which we are all stuck?
Really? - because he explains it right in the beginning of the post.
And, it seems to comply with your recent missive (sticky) about what types of photos should be posted here.
So, you're being snarky and rhetorical (that's my perception) to make the point that you don't like his shots? Really?
If you don't care for the subjects, compositions, or other aspects of the shots, that's understandable - but as a Mod, shouldn't your comments have a least a hint of constructive criticism?
Go for it.
I agree with you michswiss, that a lot posted here is average and that includes your recent posts of a single mom for your project. Being raised by one I believe you're missing.... but I passed on a comment
This forum used to be a PJ forum. These shots are of that mode & some may have interest.
What interests me is the deletion of posts of mine by you and the admonition attitude when posting in my threads
If you want touchy feely, don't look at my threads or rename the forum; that's the best way to get rid of me.
That said, thanks for looking in and commenting, it shows how diverse the photography community is.
I'm trying to be less rude and crude in favor of being snide, is it working?
Is it working? :nah
If you have something to say about michswiss' image the appropriate place for it is in her thread. If you are having issues with michswiss the best place to deal with it is a PM. That way the rest of us is spared the drama.
My initial response to your images was
You were shooting in bad light with high ISOs, fairly slow shutter speeds, and all were at the far end of your zoom (70mm) which resulted in soft captures. I would have tried to move in closer and would have upped the ISO. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Rags, I'm still curious about what you're hoping to gain from posting these shots. I've seen that you have excellent technical skills and these fall below your normal standard. Aside from the content, which doesn't do much for me, I agree with Richard in that the shots have little connection with the subjects. Not very interesting compositions.
My response to michswiss post where she was dismissive of the quality of posts to this thread was entirely appropriate since she commented on stuff outside this thread; as I did. Harry are you listening?
Now, the quality of the shots are mediocre, but I'm not apologetic, it was tough conditions. The story has value (& ties into the pictures) and some people are interested in the story. In my view it's PJ.
Some more of the story: Attendees to the event paid $75 each. I was told there was a costume party, sex toy vendors and appearances by some XXX actresses.
I paid $15 to get into the parking lot. It was a destination shoot and I didn't know what to expect. Sometimes they work - sometimes not.
I don't let a mediocre picture prevent me from an interesting story. In the history of newspapers all the shots were screened to reduce resolution
Thanks for the comments on my technical skills, I really appreciate them
I just went 9 pages back here and I can't find any of your posts that have been deleted. If a post is deleted it will show who deleted it and the reason. The only threads I have deleted have been at the request of the OP and spam posts. If I delete a post for any other reason (and I haven't) I would have sent the OP a PM.
If a thread is moved to another forum a redirect to that thread is still left in the original forum. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.