Lightroom Question

If I export dng (format shouldn't matter) images from LR4 to an external hard drive and give them to another photographer and he imports the images (copy) to his LR4 will the LR adjustments follow?
I do know that you would need to hit command-S to save your metadata edits to the DNG prior to exporting if they are to go along with the DNG exported, but I have never actually tried this. I suspect if the metadata is saved to the DNG prior to being exported, that the new exported DNG should then have the saved editing steps within its metadata, and they should display in the other person's LR4. But this is just a guess, Sam, as I said.
I wonder how many folks know that they MUST save their metadata editing steps to their DNGs ( or XMP files ) with the Command-S step. Otherwise the metadata is still just saved within the Catalog file, and not the DNG.
One can save all their editing steps for all their files in the Library module, by hitting Command-A, Command-S - but be aware, if you have lots of files, this is going to take minutes to several hours to finish. I just did mine the other day, and with 46,000 files in my Library, it took almost 2 hours to write all the data to my DNGs.. Also when you go to back up your external hard drive holding your image files, the back up copy takes quite a while also, as each and every DNG file has to be updated. It took over 3 hours for Super-Duper to smart-update my image file back up disk yesterday.
I usually just save the metadata to a limited # of files that I am currently working on, but yesterday decided to make sure everything was up to date - good to do, but took quite a while on my quad core PowerMac with tons of RAM and eSata wired external drives.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
as long as the other person has same version as you it should work normally
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Sorry..................sometimes I can't even remember what I had for breakfast.....or if I had breakfast.
Little convoluted but it works. I just tried it and needed to export images to a new folder then copy that folder to the external drive. Then delete the folder i just moved the images to on my computer. No way to export direct to the external drive.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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I think there is a way to have it saved as you work along in Preferences, but it slows down your PC considerably, so the default setting is only to save when commanded, not routinely as you work.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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if the drive has a drive-letter it should work
go to export
on top , export to ; hard drive should be selected
export location > export to ; specific folder
hit "choose" button
now you can select the drive , and folder , or create a new folder
note that your last / previous export is remembered and thus selected
this also goes for the rest of the settings
change as required , then export ( button )
If you use the "command + s" keys this will save the metadata and Lightroom changes in a dng file. Then you can copy, share the file from your file management tools and when imported into LR on another computer all the adjustments will be there.
I don't know if this works with the propitiatory raw formats from the camera manufacturers.
The history won't follow but the adjustments will. If you use the "export catalog" process the history will be maintained. NOTE: I haven't figured out how to do this yet, but it isn't needed for my current needs.
This eliminates the convoluted method of exporting from LR to a new folder, copying that folder to an external HD, then going back and deleting the folder the images were exported to.
EDIT!!! basfit.....................your right!!! This is exactly what I was looking for to begin with!!
I can export all the images from the shoot and the ones I processes or rated will carry those adjustments along with the files, and the other files will go as shot.
Ctrl-D deselects them
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
If you watch videos of real editing pros, they all use keyboard shortcuts all the time.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
IF you save the XMP yes. You should force the issue (a full update of the DNG) including an embedded JEPG, DNG profile etc by using the Update DNG Preview & Metadata command. And yes, the format matters if your intent is to send a raw file. You can save a rendered image off as a DNG, it ain't raw.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"