Alpha Wolf
I ran across the alpha male and alpha female wolves from the Canyon Pack in Yellowstone Park the other day. They didn't stop to pose, but I was able to get this image of the female as she passed by me.

Thanks for looking!

Thanks for looking!
It was cool... but they were close and moving fast. I didn't post the male because his photos weren't "quite" as attractive as the female... but here he is, uncropped at 15-20 yards with my 500mm.
Karl Krieger
Helena, Montana
website :
Nice catch - can you humour me with some more info? Were you in a "hide" - if not what was the situation. How long did you sit/stand before you were able to get these.
Man - that male is mighty attractive ... not!! Looks like he has been putting in the hard yards. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"