People who go to the cricket
One thing I love about going to an Aussie sporting event is the characters that go out of there way to have a bit of fun and to entertain the crowd. These guys/gals all turned up looking the same paying tribute to one of Australias best number 3 batsman David Boon. here are a couple of shots that I hope convey the fun they were having.
This guy was by far the most vocal (am tipping he has a sore head this morning.

Here is an overall shot of the group.

David Clifford
This guy was by far the most vocal (am tipping he has a sore head this morning.

Here is an overall shot of the group.

David Clifford
They look like they are real fanatics. They really should look into some less obvious fake mustaches though
Nice captures and I hope no one sloshed any beer on you or your camera
I didn't notice any barbwire fences, so cricket must be a milder spectator sport than soccer.....
Fanatics yes, sloshing of beer no. They were putting them down pretty nicely and there wasnt a great deal of waste. yes, it is a pretty socially friendly game in this part of the world so no need for the fences and barbed wire.
Thanks for stopping by.
David Clifford
Not sure if it was a competiton, but with the cricket matches down here there is always a couple of groups that pick a theme and get dressed up for the outing. Makes for some interesting viewing during the slow periods.
Thanks for the comments.
David Clifford
whats not to love?
I'm thinking seeing as they are all covered in VB logos maybe they were getting free beer?
I love watching cricket spectators just as much as the game.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
David Clifford
David Clifford
I did enjoy the Ashes, I would have liked to have seen a much different result but will give us something to work towards at the next meeting
David Clifford
They are a very scarce breed these days.
David Clifford
You are allowed cams in stadium ?
then why i am not allowed a cam in stadium i dont think so small P&S can kill anyone :uhoh
i love cicket but only 1 day my dad is total cricket fnatic he says he can see 100 test matches in series and wont be bored
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The first Cricket test between Canada and the USA 1840's NY state is the first international sporting event ever held in the modern world.A history of Cricket in the USA The demise of cricket in the US was helped along by the imperial cricket council which believed the game should only be played in the British Empire.
Please ...anything but basketball :cry