Female Northern Pintail Duck

For me I have always seen the male Pintail around my area. This year was the first time seeing the Female Pintail, and this gal was not afraid of people at all. In fact I had to keep moving back to get a focus lock on her.

Hi Brian and thank you for your kind words on these images.
Dennis Kaczor Photography
Thank you so much Pam and happy you liked these. 2:00PM was the time these had been taken and I don't use flash when birding as I don't like the effect that I get when using the flash. I think that the only time I would use a flash is on the smaller birds in the shades of the trees.
Thanks again for your comments.
Dennis Kaczor Photography
Thank you Deb, and I agree that the tones really make these stand out. Funny, in this case she kept coming towards me and I had to back up as too much lens with the 500mm, could have used a 70-200 for these as she was 10 feet away.
You are lucky to see them even though they fly away, we might see one all winter here of the male, but that's about it, and if I recall he was fairly close in too.
I have a couple more that I will post later on of here, this time on land.
Dennis Kaczor Photography
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks so much Harry.
Dennis Kaczor Photography