
Senior Shoot With Golf Poses

Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
edited October 14, 2012 in People
Did a Senior this afternoon with some golf poses. First attempt for me at working golf into a shoot. Here were a couple that jumped out at me on the first spin through. Told him I'd post one to his Facebook wall tomorrow. Which one would you choose?









Here are two more from the shoot that kinda grabbed my attention.





Thanks for weighing in!


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    kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited October 8, 2012
    Nice work. I'm thinking #3 or 6 for the FB post.
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    zoomerzoomer Registered Users Posts: 3,688 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2012
    1 4 and 6.
    2 and 3 the expression looks a fit off.... 5 the lighting is to soft for a guy.
    is 1 tilted a smidge to the left?
    If it were me I would use 4 for the facebook shot.
    Overall a good series.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2012
    1. That strong shadow under his neck kills it for me.
    2. Not a good expression from him.
    3. Excellent!
    4. Excellent!
    5. Nice shot, although he might find it a tad "girlie". Also, I think you can ease off the skin softening for this one - if you're using PP, I'd say up the "texture" slider (or change which type of texture it uses)
    6. Excellent! (Although I might crop in from the right, but that's purely a matter of personal taste)

    You are ridiculously consistent. I'm so glad you're doing more and more senior shoots!
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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2012
    kdog wrote: »
    Nice work. I'm thinking #3 or 6 for the FB post.
    zoomer wrote: »
    1 4 and 6.
    2 and 3 the expression looks a fit off.... 5 the lighting is to soft for a guy.
    is 1 tilted a smidge to the left?
    If it were me I would use 4 for the facebook shot.
    Overall a good series.

    Noted! I have a Rembrandt lighting pattern of number 5. I thought it might be a bit too dramatic for a Senior pic, but will post it at the end.
    divamum wrote: »
    1. That strong shadow under his neck kills it for me.
    2. Not a good expression from him.
    3. Excellent!
    4. Excellent!
    5. Nice shot, although he might find it a tad "girlie". Also, I think you can ease off the skin softening for this one - if you're using PP, I'd say up the "texture" slider (or change which type of texture it uses)
    6. Excellent! (Although I might crop in from the right, but that's purely a matter of personal taste)

    You are ridiculously consistent. I'm so glad you're doing more and more senior shoots!

    As long as it isn't consistently crappy, rolleyes1.gif, I'm a happy guy! See if you like these looks a bit better.








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    HackboneHackbone Registered Users Posts: 4,027 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2012
    I like 3 alot but not much of a fan for the first two. Not sure why a golfer is sitting. No.4 seems off on the exposure or it is the Indie style that I'm not a big fan of. (Personal choice) On 5 the stones are the same size as his face an competes for the viewers attention.
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    Mike JMike J Registered Users Posts: 1,029 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2012
    For Facebook - #3
    Mike J

    Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
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    TenThirteenTenThirteen Registered Users Posts: 488 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    I really like 3 and 4 iloveyou.gif
    Canon Fan
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    MitchellMitchell Registered Users Posts: 3,503 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    #4 is the only one of the golf shots I like. I do like C in your second set. That's my favorite of the bunch though I would be tempted to crop tighter (my crazy style).
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    lifeinfocuslifeinfocus Registered Users Posts: 1,461 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    3 and 6 in the first set and C in the second set.

    Great work.

    "You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
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    BrettDeutschBrettDeutsch Registered Users Posts: 365 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    3 is my favorite by far. Very striking (no pun intended).
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    jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited October 10, 2012
    You did a great job with the lighting and technical execution on all of these, nice job. 1 and 2, the pose looks rather stiff, he's not pulling it off. I love 3 and 4, I hope he goes with these. 5 is.... um... shall we say, not masculine. I like b better. 6, I dunno, the varsity jacket doesn't really go with the setting IMO. d, he goofed the smile. I hope you got a full body profile shot of the end of the swing? Seems like a classic golf pose.

    I would have tried to also include some Caddy Shack style humor into this shoot. Golf is just begging to be lampooned.

    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
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    FoquesFoques Registered Users Posts: 1,951 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2012
    wow @ 3 and 4!!
    Great work.
    Arseny - the too honest guy.
    My Site
    My Facebook
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    anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2012
    I am not liking any of the golf shots where he is sitting down.

    #3, 4, 6, and c are all great shots. Nicely executed!
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

    Aaron Newman

    Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2012
    Thanks for all the feedback. It was really valuable! Guess I'll skip the whole sitting down with golf idea for future shoots. Honest feedback is what helps us ALL grow. Thanks again.
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    kevingearykevingeary Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited October 12, 2012
    Thanks for all the feedback. It was really valuable! Guess I'll skip the whole sitting down with golf idea for future shoots. Honest feedback is what helps us ALL grow. Thanks again.

    What was your lighting setup for the standing golf shots?
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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2012
    kevingeary wrote: »
    What was your lighting setup for the standing golf shots?

    Sun in the back. Off camera speedlight with a shoot through umbrella camera left at about 30 degrees for the swing shot and 45 for the other, bare speedlight camera right behind subject and a BAWR laying on the ground in front of subject.
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    kevingearykevingeary Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2012
    Sun in the back. Off camera speedlight with a shoot through umbrella camera left at about 30 degrees for the swing shot and 45 for the other, bare speedlight camera right behind subject and a BAWR laying on the ground in front of subject.

    What's a BAWR?
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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited October 14, 2012
    Big Ass White Reflector....

    It's one of those technical terms.:D
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