Frigging birds!

We couldn't have done this a month ago, could we.
This is a poor pic, but it's about all I can come up with, other than going
to a pet store.
Origami Swan
I need to work this more, lighting, camera angle, so on.
We couldn't have done this a month ago, could we.
This is a poor pic, but it's about all I can come up with, other than going
to a pet store.
Origami Swan
I need to work this more, lighting, camera angle, so on.

Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Don't you have 10,000 lakes in Minnesota?
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Coldclimb, Alaska is another place I'd like to see, in the summer.:D
Mwgrice, we're in the same boat.
Andy, we have 10,000 lakes, with no friggin birds.
Although I did see a (one) crow this morning. We have a birdfeeder in the
backyard that the sparrows eat from. We don't even get sparrows this time
of year.
The ponds are starting to freeze, the sky is a beautiful grey color, almost no
leaves left on the trees cause of the 40 mile a hour winds we had last week.
Yes, winter is here in the northland.
I'll find a bird somewhere. Maybe at the nature park on friday.:D
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Think Spring.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Hey Chris. Good info. I'm going to try to find something a little more exotic,
like a sparrow or a crow.:D
I think if I get an order of fries at Mac & Dons, I might be able to coax a
seagull in.
I know a few spots where pigeons hang out also.
I hope everyone know this is tongue in cheek.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
By Thomas Hood
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! -
(So I think you should go with your origami idea - I like the one you have, but if you feel you need to try again, maybe place it on some ice, or with a piece of down, or with a wintery landscape in the background, or on your birdfeeder?)
We have 100.000 lakes in Manitoba with lots of ice and no birds. Well there are the Sparrows, (not the most photogenic creatures), then there's the Ravens, however as soon as you point something in their direction they're gone .......