Reports of my demise have been greatly exagerated
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
+ Expression from dog and human seem to mimic each other.
+ Dogs in a baby carriage? Where is the baby?
- The pipe on the left. No separation from the stroller.
- The subjects missing left toe. I do this all the time. Maybe I'm just conscious of it because I'd like to see that particular issue change for me personally.
I sure hope this ends up being useful and not a total waste of my time. On to the next shot.
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Thanks, Ryan - Missing toe is a good catch - it's something I criticize others for - it's fine to lop off body parts, but it's not fine to do it carelessly;
The "pipe" is part of the stroller.
There is no baby.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
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