Model photos in Vegas
Heading to Vegas for some work but while I am there I am planning on doing some modeling photos of a friend. Are there any places that are recommended to shoot at? I know about the Neon Museum but that is $200/hour and I can't do that since this is just a friend shoot and not paid. We really can't go out to the other places like Red Rock and such so I am looking for stuff along the Strip or just Off Strip that we can shoot at. I know shooting in the casino's is a no no, but I also don't want to do something like shoot photos of her at the Bellagio fountains with a million people in the background
Red Rocks
Old mining area. This is Oatman, probably too far for you, 2hrs from Vegas, but there are plenty of others closer to Vegas.
View from a hillside overlooking Vegas. This is blind recording artist Shawn Brock.
Sunrise in the desert
Dry lake bed
Hope that gives you some ideas!
Link to my Smugmug site
If that is the hand dealt, play it to the max. Look forward to seeing some behind the glitz, urban gritty model shots soon!
Go at the blue hour! Crappy cell phone shot:
Studio Photography Lighting and Modeling Workshops For the Discerning Taste
"The only photographer we ought compare ourselves to is the one we used to be"