Problem with images.get on v1.2.2?

I have a script that I paid to develop that will mass collect images from one gallery to another. It does this by looping through the images from an album and collecting them one at a time from the source gallery to the destination.
It worked fine in the past, but today it's doing something weird where it starts to duplicate images after a certain point. The only thing I can think of is an inadvertent change in the api that is causing this problem.
Anyone else using v1.2.2 and getting weird results?
It worked fine in the past, but today it's doing something weird where it starts to duplicate images after a certain point. The only thing I can think of is an inadvertent change in the api that is causing this problem.
Anyone else using v1.2.2 and getting weird results?
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One of these is probably using the old versions without problems.
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From what I can tell it seems to be the Random image app that's still using that old api.
That said, when did you last use your other app? I don't see any indication that you did so in at least the last 30 days.
I would recommend that you look for a debug option to allow you to get more details on what exactly is happening / going wrong.
Note that I'm no developer or API expert, but if you post more details, others may be able to chime in with suggestions.
SmugMug Support Hero
There's not really a debug option of any sort. I only figured out the API version it was using from reading the raw code.
The reason I think it's the API vs the code is that the API versions are usually working, even when not the newest one. And the function it's using is something that's been around from almost 1.0, so I'm guessing something broke on the API during a recent update. But I'm not sure. I'm sure someone else out there is using the same version and method, so I'm hoping to get some feedback.
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Choose Mass Collect Images
Enter in the destination account information and leave the source blank
Use this link for source:
And use your destination gallery link for the destination.
Click on 'start collecting' and watch for a duplicate filename in the images collected--that's the problem.
The code is simply enumerating the array of images, so I'm guessing the problem is in there somewhere. I would suspect the code except that it's worked very well in the past for galleries even much larger than this one.
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It looks like the source album you have linked above has several duplicates of the same files itself. That would most likely be why your code would be collecting duplicates if it is just collecting every image from that album. Here is an example from a quick look at your linked album of two images in that album that are the same (both are "IMG_0001.jpg" and appear to be the same image):
Thank you so much! It never occurred to me to check the source album for dupes. :bash
Great to know the script is still working fine.
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