How much are you trying to spend? Why not just buy a new one from a reputable company? I've had this one on my 7D since day one & never had one issue....
Travis M. Chance
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass site ∙ facebook
I did buy a new one. I was just hoping I could save a little dough and get a used one. I try to get all my equipment used. I knew a grip was a long shot, since many times they are sold with the camera. But you never know 'til you ask, right?
Stephanie Moon
Canon equipment My website
twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
site ∙ facebook
Canon equipment
My website
Lots to choose from.
I had a Zeikos for my first 7D and sold it with the camera.
I just bought another 7D and ordered a Zeikos again.
For $50, my first one worked great.
I expect this to work well also.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
It's down in the listings.