People doing something exciting

At the Baja races, there are no fences or regs... You have a personal responsibility to keep alive (a few don't)
The photog is about 8' off the course
The photog is about 8' off the course

"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Thats my two cents worth but I dont post to many shots on this site.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Sure, it's a hell of an action shot. But it's also about the people. You're seeing people jump for their lives. You're seeing photographers with their cameras buried in a cloud of dust. To me this is the decisive moment that every photojournalist wants to capture.
Link to my Smugmug site
Really coveys the danger.
I've seen video of out-of-control race trucks in the audience - people are nuts!
To get closer Jenn would be near suicidal.
The truck is going 70-80mph on an uneven surface with the wheels just generally choosing direction.
You can't take these shots from the front to see faces, the approaching truck spreads too much dust.
But this isn't about faces...
There was a situation in southern CA where about 7 people were killed because a truck veered off the course.
I'm one of the aggressive shooters there. I'm in the course as they're coming at me - I jump to the side when they're very close.
In the latter part of the burst, the photog was enveloped in dust and yes people are jumping for their lives (it's the adrenalin)