The Photographer - A Tribute

I love the idea that everyone has a camera. I love that so many people are learning how to see, and how to share what they see. It doesn't matter if you're lugging around an 8x10 or an iPhone. In my eyes they are both equal. More images are uploaded in a month than one person can look at in a lifetime. How cool is that?
Some musical inspiration:
Please feel free to post any reworks you do of my images. Crop, skew, munge, edit, share.
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Oh, and go create!
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Aw, shucks. Thank you for the kind words. If there isn't a notice of ownership on the bottom of the post, it is me. If you want to know a secret, I don't expect anyone to read the text. That's for Google to read. My hope is that people will sort of skip past it and just look at the images. SEO is a modern reality. Ask Eric Kim and his "Top X Tips for Y Photographers" posts.
Yes. I know exactly what you mean. It seems to be different on each monitor. On my main system it seems great, just a hint of detail. Another PC shows too much detail. Another one, it looks like a perfect silhouette.
My intention is to have just a tiny hint of detail. I didn't want to bring it all the way to black. I'm probably going to have to print it to get a consistent viewing experience. I bet it takes a dozen attempts before I get it looking right.
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