smugmug.images.get does not return updated image position
After arranging images in an album, smugmug.images.get will not return the updated image positions.
As far as I can tell, the position attribute is set on SmugMug once when the album is created, and not updated in a way that can be accessed by the API. Can anyone help me understand how to get the updated image position?
Other attributes update immediately (keywords, title, etc).
Here is my images_get request (using phpSmug):
Any help would be much appreciated!
As far as I can tell, the position attribute is set on SmugMug once when the album is created, and not updated in a way that can be accessed by the API. Can anyone help me understand how to get the updated image position?
Other attributes update immediately (keywords, title, etc).
Here is my images_get request (using phpSmug):
$images = $f->images_get( array( 'AlbumID' => $album->album_id, 'AlbumKey' => $album->album_key, 'Extras' => 'id,Key,Caption,Keywords,LastUpdated,URL,LargeURL,SmallURL,ThumbURL,MediumURL,OriginalURL,Position' ));
Any help would be much appreciated!