Olympus C5050, focal length 7.1mm (equivalent to 35mm)
ISO 64, 1/400sec. at f4.0
from andy: this was really close to being a finalist for me, snappy. i do like the shot, it was really just edged out by the other finalists. i think if i'm to pick one thing to criticize - it's that the tree is so overwhelming in the foreground of the shot - i believe i'd prefer it if you could have stepped back 25 yards, maybe even more. all in all though, a really nice effort.
from penelope: This was on my shortlist too, I really like the tree and the overall composition, and the colours are lovely too, a beautiful photo.
from andy: you were almost there... i think this shot is a finalist if you could have gotten all of the tail, and perhaps something, anything, in the sky to add some more interest. good job on the exposure in a difficult situation.
from penelope:There are some lovely shapes here, but I agree with Andy that you could have had a little go at the sky. Considering the high dynamic range due to the very difficult lighting situation you've managed to come up with a result that is really not too bad, well done!
from andy: a magnificent shot, a dramatic wall-hanger, for sure. really really really fine. i think you may still be .5 degrees off level, but that's just me. the strong rays of light are a real nice bonus here. the colors are splendid. i could have fun with this, i'd print it big, as is. then i'd also try ps-ing a silhouetted canoist or pair of canoes in the foreground
from penelope: This is just lovely. The colours are fantastic. I'm sure you would have no problems selling this picture it's really really beautiful.
from andy: a good effort at a nice wide shot. foreground interest, too. lovely as the beach scene is, it's still rather plain. a perfect shot here? a pair of lovers, walking away, hand in hand, at the surf level. hoo-boy! nice work, mitchel!
from penelope: This is very interesting, moody sky, breaking waves, where did the people go? I love it, its a very cool shot, great stuff!
from andy: i really dig the concept here johnny, but the composition to my eyes is broken unfortunately. the strong black line up/down in the middle really detracted for me. though i will say it's a cool shot, you can make it better i'm certain. thanks for entering and good luck next time!
from andy: definitely a good example of wide angle shooting! nice 1/3s composition, cool interest in the sky. i found the windmills so small that they weren't enough of a feature to make this a really compelling entry, simone. technically it's wide - compositionally it's good - subject matter to me was just a bit tiny keep up the good work and i just love your attitude. maybe i'll see you on one of my transatlantic flights one of these days!
from andy: this is a classic gubbsian shot, i'd have known it was yours without your name on it i'm certain (that's a good thing). i like the mood, the wide d.r. and the wide effect here. i wonder why they are drinking in the middle of the day nice work.
from andy: i know you shot wide, but this doesn't do it for me. with a five year old kid in the foreground, and you shooting a bit lower (crouched) i'd have thougth: yeah, really cool wide angle. as it is, it's a still life that, while technically fine, artistically it doesn't grab me. thanks for entering and i do appreciate your effort and work.
from andy: well, lynn, this one is really cool. i love the swirling foam the effect is mesmerizing for sure. i like how i'm led waaaaay into the scene, good job on the composition and on the exposure (lots of d.r.) nice work!
Shutter: 1/14 Aperture: 4.0 ISO: 800 No Flash No Crop
Lighting: 2-100w Incandecent Bulbs
Focal Length: 8.90mm x 1.6 + 14.24mm
from andy: nothing to complain about with this marvy portrait. you should be proud. as regards wide angle, yeah it's a wide shot, but the reason it probably didn't win is that there's nothing about the shot that says "wide angle" imo - that doesn't detract from the fact that it's a great photo btw! keep shooting and thanks for being a contributor.
24mm (24-85 lens) uncropped or rotated, 1/45th handheld, f9.5 ISO 200, shot tonight.
andy: well i liked it, and if there were to be 10 finalist you'd have been in. good foreground interest, some detail in the shadows, and nice colors. well done, lynne
Nikon D70
17-35mm f/2.8-4 lens
Focal Length 17mm x 1.5 = 25.5mm
ISO 640
1/250 sec @ f/4.5
No crop.
from andy: i think the improvement here would have been from maybe a really low angle of shoot, like maybe with your butt on that gorgeous pacific sand. it's a fine shot, silhouette works, but i want to something more for my money his head is a wee bit close to the horizon imo and i know it's a nit, but it detracted compositionally for me.
from andy: it's a cool scene, i think i'd prefer a horizontal wide angle. i think the image suffers from lack of "pop" too. here's a great thread on b&w techniques, here on the sony talk forum, check it out
from andy: this is a really cool mural and a good eye to find it. perfect exposure, i really think you just got edged out here. improvement? a live subject, maybe a pair of lovers smooching in silhouette...
check out this thread on street art over on the sony talk forum hey maybe you could even add this one, pf, and bump that thread up again.
from andy: nice to see you here, ed this is a nice, dramatic wide-angle shot. i like the birds, they add interest. compositionally the central compo doesn't do it for me, and i'd like to see a tad more exposure on the foreground rocks so that they would be more featured. a nice effort though, please keep it up!
from andy: good try - the right idea, wa definitely accentuates these palms. i need some more interest though, this shot comes off a bit flat to me. good effort, and i'm really enjoying your participationk, bryan.
from andy: well, there's plenty of "awwwwwwwwwwww" factor in this shot. i love your night work, you found a great subject, and you made everything work in wide angle. nice nice work, sid, congratulations on the 3rd win
from andy: this was really close to being a finalist for me, snappy. i do like the shot, it was really just edged out by the other finalists. i think if i'm to pick one thing to criticize - it's that the tree is so overwhelming in the foreground of the shot - i believe i'd prefer it if you could have stepped back 25 yards, maybe even more. all in all though, a really nice effort.
from penelope: This was on my shortlist too, I really like the tree and the overall composition, and the colours are lovely too, a beautiful photo.
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from andy: you were almost there... i think this shot is a finalist if you could have gotten all of the tail, and perhaps something, anything, in the sky to add some more interest. good job on the exposure in a difficult situation.
from penelope:There are some lovely shapes here, but I agree with Andy that you could have had a little go at the sky. Considering the high dynamic range due to the very difficult lighting situation you've managed to come up with a result that is really not too bad, well done!
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from andy: a magnificent shot, a dramatic wall-hanger, for sure. really really really fine. i think you may still be .5 degrees off level, but that's just me. the strong rays of light are a real nice bonus here. the colors are splendid. i could have fun with this, i'd print it big, as is. then i'd also try ps-ing a silhouetted canoist or pair of canoes in the foreground
from penelope: This is just lovely. The colours are fantastic. I'm sure you would have no problems selling this picture it's really really beautiful.
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from andy: a good effort at a nice wide shot. foreground interest, too. lovely as the beach scene is, it's still rather plain. a perfect shot here? a pair of lovers, walking away, hand in hand, at the surf level. hoo-boy! nice work, mitchel!
from penelope: This is very interesting, moody sky, breaking waves, where did the people go? I love it, its a very cool shot, great stuff!
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from andy: i really dig the concept here johnny, but the composition to my eyes is broken unfortunately. the strong black line up/down in the middle really detracted for me. though i will say it's a cool shot, you can make it better i'm certain. thanks for entering and good luck next time!
from penelope:
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from andy: definitely a good example of wide angle shooting! nice 1/3s composition, cool interest in the sky. i found the windmills so small that they weren't enough of a feature to make this a really compelling entry, simone. technically it's wide - compositionally it's good - subject matter to me was just a bit tiny
from penelope:
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from andy: this is a classic gubbsian shot, i'd have known it was yours without your name on it i'm certain (that's a good thing). i like the mood, the wide d.r. and the wide effect here. i wonder why they are drinking in the middle of the day
from penelope:
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from andy: i know you shot wide, but this doesn't do it for me. with a five year old kid in the foreground, and you shooting a bit lower (crouched) i'd have thougth: yeah, really cool wide angle. as it is, it's a still life that, while technically fine, artistically it doesn't grab me. thanks for entering and i do appreciate your effort and work.
from penelope:
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from andy: well, lynn, this one is really cool. i love the swirling foam the effect is mesmerizing for sure. i like how i'm led waaaaay into the scene, good job on the composition and on the exposure (lots of d.r.) nice work!
from penelope:
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from andy: nothing to complain about with this marvy portrait. you should be proud. as regards wide angle, yeah it's a wide shot, but the reason it probably didn't win is that there's nothing about the shot that says "wide angle" imo - that doesn't detract from the fact that it's a great photo btw! keep shooting and thanks for being a contributor.
from penelope:
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andy: well i liked it, and if there were to be 10 finalist you'd have been in. good foreground interest, some detail in the shadows, and nice colors. well done, lynne
from penelope:
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from andy: i think the improvement here would have been from maybe a really low angle of shoot, like maybe with your butt on that gorgeous pacific sand. it's a fine shot, silhouette works, but i want to something more for my money
from penelope:
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from andy: it's a cool scene, i think i'd prefer a horizontal wide angle. i think the image suffers from lack of "pop" too. here's a great thread on b&w techniques, here on the sony talk forum, check it out
from penelope:
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from andy: this is a really cool mural and a good eye to find it. perfect exposure, i really think you just got edged out here. improvement? a live subject, maybe a pair of lovers smooching in silhouette...
check out this thread on street art over on the sony talk forum hey maybe you could even add this one, pf, and bump that thread up again.
from penelope:
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from andy: nice to see you here, ed
from penelope:
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from andy: good try - the right idea, wa definitely accentuates these palms. i need some more interest though, this shot comes off a bit flat to me. good effort, and i'm really enjoying your participationk, bryan.
from penelope:
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from andy: well, there's plenty of "awwwwwwwwwwww" factor in this shot. i love your night work, you found a great subject, and you made everything work in wide angle. nice nice work, sid, congratulations on the 3rd win
from penelope:
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from andy: well i really dig this one, john. lots going on here, definitely accentuated by wide angle. it's an image that holds my interest. nice job.
from penelope:
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