Defaulting Print Size
Is there a way when the shopping cart opens from my site that I could default the size and type print? When I upload my images I size them as 5x7's and would like to default the size to 5x7 matte when the user opens them.
Does anyone else have a better solution to this problem?
Does anyone else have a better solution to this problem?
Sorry, I don't see it as a problem, Glenn - it's the way you want it, and well, that's cool - we allow a ton of customization - you can set your pricing to only allow 5x7 matte, and that's the only price that your customers will see.
Custom Pro Pricing Help Page
I hope this helps. Please post more if I've not addressed your question, thanks.
All the best,
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You missed my question entirely. I wasn't having a problem with pricing and types... My question was, "Is there a way to default the size and type on the cart?" Or "can there be in the future?" Most people don't understand cropping and I was just trying to figure out a way that I could at the very least place them on the size I'd most like for them to purchase based on the total lack of work on their part determining how to crop a picture.
glenn hancock
I must say, you've got me confused. What Andy suggested was to set your prices so that only 5x7s would be available for purchasing. Are you saying that you'd like to make it so everything is available for purchase but only 5x7 shows up?
I'm terribly sorry, Glenn - I am trying as best I can to help you with the information provided. Now that you have posted again, your request is clear. No, I'm sorry to say that you can't do what you are asking for with the cart as it is today, but thanks for the suggestion.
BTW there's an excellent suggestion on this very topic in my Pro Tips Thread in the Mind Your Own Business forum - please do check it out.
All the best,
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glenn hancock
Yes, Post Number 14
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glenn hancock
Yup -- so we are so customizable you can even customize your own help pages! I think it's cool. So do a lot of our pros. The cart - think about how much is being done there! Lots of stuff - and so we always look very long and hard at any changes - best thing you can do is take matters in your own hands, and talk to your customers in your own language, and with your own co-branding.
Thanks again.
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