Update Software ??
I am a bad creature of habit. I have been using an old version of Nikon transfer to get my RAW files onto the computer. I have been using this same software to set exposure value on the RAW files and then transfer into a type of photoshop software. (Serif Photo Plus 4). I have recently noticed that some of the photos appear to be getting soft on focus during this process. I am not sure at what point this is happening. I can open the RAW files in Nikon View and they are tack sharp. Open the finished JPG and they are a little soft. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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Any ideas what to change over to without spending a fortune in software? I have never used Light Room. <o:p></o:p>
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Any ideas what to change over to without spending a fortune in software? I have never used Light Room. <o:p></o:p>
2 Corinthians 9:15
If none of those suit you, try RAW Therapee
I think I will try LightRoom also.
Thanks again,
One thought: Is it possible that when you use Nikon View, it is showing you the embedded JPG or the JPG that the camera would have produced. This is a feature of Nikon software - to know the in-camera settings and use them. (though I don't have direct experience with Nikon View).
Other software will show you an un-retouched raw, which will generally be soft compared to a JPG (or 'virtual' JPG) rendering which included some sharpening.
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Looka looka koo la ley