60W naked

I smashed the glass (deliberately) of a 60W lamp. This is a stack of five shots.
<a href="http://www.fluidr.com/photos/carregwenimages/8148373130/?reuploaded=1" rel="nofollow">View on Black</a>

60W naked by rob ashcroft @ www.macromeister.co.uk, on Flickr
<a href="http://www.fluidr.com/photos/carregwenimages/8148373130/?reuploaded=1" rel="nofollow">View on Black</a>

60W naked by rob ashcroft @ www.macromeister.co.uk, on Flickr
I'm Rob Ashcroft - MACROMEISTER IMAGES . . . .
Brian v.
It could be dangerous to do that as it would be live. However, I have shot some with the glass still in place. I used a table lamp with a small in-line diffuser control (you can get them in electrical shops) to lower the power level.
The light that is blue by rob ashcroft @ www.macromeister.co.uk, on Flickr
Red light district by rob ashcroft @ www.macromeister.co.uk, on Flickr
I agree would make for a cool shot. But may not last long. Intact bulb has vacuum inside. In open air the filament would get much hotter due to oxygen in the air, and will burn out quickly. But at low enough voltage might stay lit for a while.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
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