Howdy friends!
Last week, Veronica and her three brothers stoped by to have their sibling portrait taken (Christmas present to their mom). When the sibling portrait was nailed, we snapped away just for fun. Here is a few samples. Comments and critics are welcome! :1drink
Stay Tuned / Matty

I asked Veronica for some extra attitude, just anything - look angry, cool, ignorante, bored, give me the finger! It's quite obvious what she chosed, huh?

This is Veronica and her elder brother Mats. We got a whim - let's try to do some clothing commercial. *Haha* When I posted this picture to Veronica, she wrote back to me (in an insulted-but-not-for-real-way): Hrmf! My leatherjacket cost me 1300 kr - and just for the record, so did my jeans!
Last week, Veronica and her three brothers stoped by to have their sibling portrait taken (Christmas present to their mom). When the sibling portrait was nailed, we snapped away just for fun. Here is a few samples. Comments and critics are welcome! :1drink
Stay Tuned / Matty

I asked Veronica for some extra attitude, just anything - look angry, cool, ignorante, bored, give me the finger! It's quite obvious what she chosed, huh?

This is Veronica and her elder brother Mats. We got a whim - let's try to do some clothing commercial. *Haha* When I posted this picture to Veronica, she wrote back to me (in an insulted-but-not-for-real-way): Hrmf! My leatherjacket cost me 1300 kr - and just for the record, so did my jeans!

Mats legs are REALLY skinny. I don't understand the boy/tight pants craze... but w/e.
Well, actually Mats got a very athletic body and nice, strong legs. I guess it's an illusion caused by the tight jeans, the angle and the fact that he is positioned ca 1 meter behind Veronica.
Always look forward to your posts
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Great stuff Matty!! Really like #2!!
Congratulations and spasibo,
She's got lovely eyes! No PP needed there! (Except from removing a couple, barely visable blood vessles)