Help with finding videos in Aperture3
Hi All,
I have been using A3 for a long while now and find it very good. Not only to I load all my SLR shots into it, but also all my iPhone stuff. I have tried to download a number of videos from my iPhone4s, and I think they have been downloaded, BUT I can not find them.
My phone is getting full and I would like to delete a large number of photos and Videos, but obviously would like to ensure that they are somewhere on my laptop first:D.
I have an iPhone 4S using iOs 5.1.1 and Aperture 3.1.2.
If anyone can help me either download the videos to the laptop or 'find' them if they are there, I would be grateful.
I have been using A3 for a long while now and find it very good. Not only to I load all my SLR shots into it, but also all my iPhone stuff. I have tried to download a number of videos from my iPhone4s, and I think they have been downloaded, BUT I can not find them.
My phone is getting full and I would like to delete a large number of photos and Videos, but obviously would like to ensure that they are somewhere on my laptop first:D.
I have an iPhone 4S using iOs 5.1.1 and Aperture 3.1.2.
If anyone can help me either download the videos to the laptop or 'find' them if they are there, I would be grateful.
Finder Tutorial: for new mac users
Additionally, when you use Aperture to copy files onto your computer, it allows options on where to store the files. If you create a very short new video on your phone and use Aperture to copy it onto your computer, the process will show you the default path to other video files on your computer (assuming that you have not changed the path from default).
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Thanks for the reply. When I attempt to upload a video in A3, it will upload the photos, and then at the end say something like "Aperture 3 does not support some of the files. Would you like to download them?". When I say yeas, it gives the option of where to put them. I selected the Desktop. When I press 'OK', it asks me the original question again, and I repeat the process (it SEEMS to ask the question for each video
However, when I look on my desktop, nothing!
I might investigate another way of getting them off my phone.
Thanks again
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums