My First Rodeo

Dr CalohandreDr Calohandre Banned Posts: 213 Major grins
edited November 15, 2012 in Street and Documentary
All shot with a Nikon D7000, 24-70 2.8, ISO between 800 and 2000, shutter priority which was mostly 640 but as low as 400. Having no clue how it all worked, I found a spectator who showed me the basics. next time, I hope to be better prepared in at least knowing what the heck was going on. :scratch

There are a number of components to a rodeo, the first of course being the cows or in this case, bulls:


Next are the cowboys and cowgirls (though in this shot, only the guys):


The third and equally important component are the spectators:

And then, there are the serious cowboys who ready and release the livestock:


And from there, it is the cowboys and girls doing what they do best:









Any and all assistance in doing this better next time will be graciously appreciated.


  • michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2012
    Hi Dr C. I was about to comment on some of your shots when you reposted them into the Journeys section. If you're OK with it, I'd suggest moving it back into Documentary as I this set feel very much about storytelling and these are some of the better Rodeo shots I've seen for a while. Nice connection with the folks combined with some action.
  • Dr CalohandreDr Calohandre Banned Posts: 213 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2012
    I was confused about which site to put them in...busy for a few but will movve them as suggested.
  • michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2012
    Dr C. As you can see, I have magic powers. All moved. The other comment I'll make about shooting Rodeo is that there are several Horse Shooters in the Sports section if you are looking for general advice and comments on how to handle the big beasts with hats as well as the four-legged ones. mwink.gif

    I've also numbered the images to facilitate commenting by others if they want to hone in on one or more images.
  • michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2012
    Now to commenting on the images. The first half of the set does more to tell me the story of a rodeo than the second half. I even like the bovine opening shot. I expect the intense action during the rides, so I'd only use a couple of those. I think you've done a good job compositionally with the people, including making sure that there is someone with at least a profile or a full face within the frame. It really helps build connections.

    The thing that is missing is some form of closing image or images. Something along the lines of the cowboy/girl getting up and brushing themselves off after a fall; Rodeo clowns corralling the bulls off the ring; Awards or close-in congratulations after a ride. Stuff like that.
  • Dr CalohandreDr Calohandre Banned Posts: 213 Major grins
    edited November 13, 2012
    This was kind of a low budget event with a precious few venues, but I went specifically for that reason so I could get a handle on how it all worked and make discoveries about what and how to shoot this kind of action. I did get one shot of a guy on his butt sitting next to a calf who eluded his rope but he was to far away to make a decent shot of it. Next time, I will try to find those kinds of shots you've suggested. I probably spent too much time on the riders. Thanks for the move and interest in my work. (Now, off to the sports section in search of the horse shooters..thanks again.)
  • williaeswilliaes Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited November 15, 2012
    Hey Dr. C, I just happen to have a good example of what Michswiss was saying. Or at least in my mind it is a good example.
    Shots 5-9 show a bronc rider with a wip and then getting bucked off. The last shot (9) is the clown handing him back his wip kinda like he got wipped.
    The link above is to my smugmug site for a gallery I shot this weekend for the local news paper. This was the World Championship for the Working Ranch Rodeo Assoc. I was assigned to cover the finals on the last day. Terrible light in this stadium.
    2 Corinthians 9:15
  • Dr CalohandreDr Calohandre Banned Posts: 213 Major grins
    edited November 15, 2012
    Were these night shots? Also, what lens were you shooting? Like all the shots you posted. Thanks!
  • williaeswilliaes Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited November 15, 2012
    Your shots are well done also. I know working at night with bad lighting is hard to do sometimes. The photos in the link you went to were shot indoors in an indoor arena. The lights were terrible. I was using a 80-200 f/2.8 shooting at 1600-2200 ISO. The other shooters were shooting at 3200 but I was not comfortable that high.

    I had a PJ inform me once that we need to be shooting the "verb not the Noun".
    Makes since to me!! keep up the great work.
    2 Corinthians 9:15
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