Has anyone tried Groupons to advertise business?

I am looking for in-expensive ways to advertise my photography business. Has anyone tried Groupons as a way to promote their Photography Business?
please enter groupon in the search window - you'll find several threads on the subject
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
If done right, you can make a ton of money off of this with upselling *you don't need to pressure for them, if your work is great then they will want more*. you probably wont make much off the opening deal after you offer 50% discount to the customer and 50% of the sale to groupon, then cover your business expenses. But if you can get say 10 portraits in one day and each buys an 8x10 for $50 that's $500 before expenses, not bad for a single day and minimal processing.
If done wrong, like the examples posted on these forums over the years, you could end up only being able to do a minimal number of portraits in one day, drive hours in each direction and spend hours with them to only meet the coupon requirements with no possible additional sales after, and loosing money with each portrait you do.
Also, if you want a name for yourself, doing a groupon could tarnish your "image", which is why most here are against groupon.