Welcome to the forum. Despite it being Digital Grin, you'll find a few folks here that shoot part time or exclusively film. I like the general composition and light in the shot, but it's hard to assess at this size. I'd imagine it's impact would be stronger if printed at a reasonable size.
The crop and the distance from the primary subject is fine with me, but the small size of the image
doesn't allow the viewer to really see the image. Double-clicking opens the larger Flickr version
which looks lighter.
The image would be better if two of the three faces weren't partially covered. A digital shooter
might have fired off several shots hoping to catch the middle person with a more exposed face.
Welcome to the forum. Despite it being Digital Grin, you'll find a few folks here that shoot part time or exclusively film. I like the general composition and light in the shot, but it's hard to assess at this size. I'd imagine it's impact would be stronger if printed at a reasonable size.
doesn't allow the viewer to really see the image. Double-clicking opens the larger Flickr version
which looks lighter.
The image would be better if two of the three faces weren't partially covered. A digital shooter
might have fired off several shots hoping to catch the middle person with a more exposed face.