Star Trails

This image was taken back near the end of August while camping up in the mountains east of San Diego (the orange glow on the left is our campfire). Technique-wise, it may be my best star trails shot thus far, but I'm having trouble deciding on a crop for this image.
Your thoughts on the crop and anything else that strikes you are much appreciated!
1| A standard crop

2| A pano crop

Thanks for looking! :thumb
Your thoughts on the crop and anything else that strikes you are much appreciated!
1| A standard crop

2| A pano crop

Thanks for looking! :thumb
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
I do think the campsite (fire) is distracting. Personally, I would crop the image to a square, so that the North Star is in the center of the square. This would crop out your camp...but there's not enough detail of your camp to make me want to keep it.
Art, I really hadn't considered getting rid of my campfire (I suppose it means more to me than your average viewer). I'll give the square crop a try and see how it looks. Thanks!
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Ha. That's what I was thinking, and I actually started writing something to that effect, but erased it....of course you'll always have the campfire shot to look at since we don't delete our originals.
Post it when ready!