Same camera as before, Nikon D1. There are still bands there, but I liked these shots a lot.

Snow in May, during a baseball game. Argh!

Probably my favorite shot, I was lucky enough to snap just as he was getting beaned. Only regret is I wasn't moved over just a little bit more to get more of his facial expression.

Another nice shot of the shortstop completing a double play.
Snow in May, during a baseball game. Argh!
Probably my favorite shot, I was lucky enough to snap just as he was getting beaned. Only regret is I wasn't moved over just a little bit more to get more of his facial expression.
Another nice shot of the shortstop completing a double play.
I think the banding you're seeing is because your ISO is set pretty
high. From the EXIF, I see the shutter speed as 1/12000 @ 2.8. At
least that is my guess. Try something in the 100-400 range when
you try next.