Two men, two dogs and a boy

michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
edited December 6, 2012 in Street and Documentary



  • lensmolelensmole Registered Users Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2012
    I like them both but I prefer the first shot. The horizon appears a bit of kilter in both .
  • jpope42jpope42 Registered Users Posts: 150 Major grins
    edited December 5, 2012
    I like #1, too. I like the visual interaction where everyone except the larger dog is looking toward the smaller dog.
  • michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
    edited December 6, 2012
    Thanks guys. I think it's hard to go wrong with boys (whatever size or age), fishing and dogs. For me the shots have an informality and relaxed feel that I enjoy on occasion. For what it's worth, I processed the first with a slightly warmer tone than the second. I'm also pretty sure the horizon is level even if it feels off kilter. I could be wrong though.
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