Automate keywords
I need to automate the keywording of video files after they are uploaded to smugmug. Unfortunately I have no experience with the smugmug API and have no idea where to start. My coding skills are also a little rusty! Any direction would be greatly appreciate.
Here is the just of what we need to do - We use smugmug to store video files.
It is important for us to add keywords to each file in order to indicate who
is in each clip. Each clip is uploaded with a file name and Smugmug puts this
file name into the keywords. However we need to add additional keywords after
that. The keywords are located in an excel file (but this could be in a txt
file or database). We would also like to update the caption in the same process
with data from the same spreadsheet/database. So in summary we need to find a file (either based on a file name or a keyword)
and add the correlated keywords. We create between 200 and 400 files a day
during an event and end up with between 600 and 1500 clips per event. Currently
we all sit around and cut and past which seems inefficient!
Here is the just of what we need to do - We use smugmug to store video files.
It is important for us to add keywords to each file in order to indicate who
is in each clip. Each clip is uploaded with a file name and Smugmug puts this
file name into the keywords. However we need to add additional keywords after
that. The keywords are located in an excel file (but this could be in a txt
file or database). We would also like to update the caption in the same process
with data from the same spreadsheet/database. So in summary we need to find a file (either based on a file name or a keyword)
and add the correlated keywords. We create between 200 and 400 files a day
during an event and end up with between 600 and 1500 clips per event. Currently
we all sit around and cut and past which seems inefficient!
I see there hasn't been much response to your request. I think I can outline the steps you need and hope that helps. I've only used API 1.2.2 and only for still pictures, so that may mean I miss something important. I'll assume videos work like still pictures.
* Look here for documentation for the API:
* I have no idea what programming language you will use and so won't comment on that.
* Login - with password and get a SessionID which you'll use on succeeding methods
* If you don't know the album containing the video you want to add keywords to, then use the smugmug.albums.get method to receive a list of albums and look through them one at a time.
* For each album use the smugmug.images.get with the Heavy boolean to get an array of images for that album.
* Search through that array of images for one with the Filename you're looking for - or do the following for each one you're interested in.
* When you find it, you'll have an ImageID as part of the same struct in the array.
* For each video you want to change, use the smugmug.images.changeSettings method with the Keywords parameter set to the string of keywords you want to have associated with the video.
Hope that helps a bit.