Weird - Lightroom Plugin Failed to repub on meta data changes
This is more a very weird observation than a bug perhaps!
I'm using LR 4 and the plugin.
I have noticed for a while (prior to this plugin version) that the plugin was not marking the photos as requiring a replublish if I changed any of the meta data - Title, Caption or GPS etc. The service has all of the checkboxes ticked for monitoring and republishing based on these changes.
I first tried switching off all the checkboxes and the plugin did some kind of scan... then I changed some photo meta data - it still does not work, they are not marked for a republish (expected result).
I then switched all the checkboxes back on ... another scan by the plugin ... changed some meta data - it still does not work.
So I thought I would see what the plugin logging might tell me (on the off chance) so I switched on the diagnostic logging ... bingo! Now my changes to the meta data do cause them to be flagged as requiring a republish.
I switched off the logging ... it still works correctly now!!
Said it was weird! But just thought I'd mention it in case anyone else sees the same.
I'm using LR 4 and the plugin.
I have noticed for a while (prior to this plugin version) that the plugin was not marking the photos as requiring a replublish if I changed any of the meta data - Title, Caption or GPS etc. The service has all of the checkboxes ticked for monitoring and republishing based on these changes.
I first tried switching off all the checkboxes and the plugin did some kind of scan... then I changed some photo meta data - it still does not work, they are not marked for a republish (expected result).
I then switched all the checkboxes back on ... another scan by the plugin ... changed some meta data - it still does not work.
So I thought I would see what the plugin logging might tell me (on the off chance) so I switched on the diagnostic logging ... bingo! Now my changes to the meta data do cause them to be flagged as requiring a republish.
I switched off the logging ... it still works correctly now!!
Said it was weird! But just thought I'd mention it in case anyone else sees the same.
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