Review of Flickr, Smugmug and Zoto

Don't really know who this Greg Reinacker is, but he did a good job writing down his thoughts about the 3 photo sharing services. Go on and check it out:
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
We're thrilled with this! It's wonderful to be recognized, and this blogger has a great audience - and thanks Sebastian and others for the real nice comments there, too.
We can keep up - Onethumb has built a really scalable system - and we can keep up with the demand technology-wise. Our new support center in Salt Lake City is up and running, headed up by John Young - and we're answering help mails at a record pace. New themes are coming out soon - and we'll keep adding more. New features are always being implemented, but we're usually quiet about those until they're released. SmugMug's growing - I'm new on board and we're looking at more folks, too.
So yeah, we're ready, bring 'em on
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"Andy from Smugmug said the camera writes inconsistent info so they can't fix it (doubtful, as Windows XP can display the correct info for this exact same file), and Ben said it looked strange and he'd pass it along to their developers. I chose to listen to Ben. :-)"
Is that you Andy. Common admit it. It was you wasn't it.
Mmm mmm --- exif-weirdness.
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And I don't understand a single bit of HTML so themes are excellent for me
I thought that was a great article, he was honest and well written. It doesn't suprise me that he stuck with smumug. You're crazy if you don't
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
And you're not alone. We have all sorts of folks using the themes, standard accts and pros alike. Hot email topic recently: "when can we have more themes???" Many other sites have templates, skins, themes, customization to a degree.. but one thing I really dig is that our themes are coming from our community - smugmug customers are designing them, talk about empowerment. And so I'm not going to miss a chance to plug theme bounties!
Thanks for posting, Rahmonster - so happy to have you here!
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