Christmas Portraits using a red gel
I had the opportunity to shoot some family portraits at our church's Christmas party. This was a perfect opportunity to experiment with some gels to try to create some Christmas themed colors and learn more about BG lighting in general. Boy, who knew lighting a BG can be such a pain...
Basic setup (a no I didn't take a pull-back shot to my dismay):
The party theme was a Journey to Bethlehem so folks came decked out in their best period attire - mostly bathrobes and scarves
#1 My test subject the night before hamming it up...
#3 Now isn't this a perfect shepard?
#5 I didn't spend a whole lot of time with folks but I need to get better at slowing down and seeing the obvious problems with poses - like the big back of the hand here.
Basic setup (a no I didn't take a pull-back shot to my dismay):
- 9 ft black seamless for the background
- AB800 as main in 60" softliter II - about 45 degrees camera left
- AB400 as fill in 45" shoot-thru umbrella - about 45 degrees camera right
- AB800 with red gel for background light
The party theme was a Journey to Bethlehem so folks came decked out in their best period attire - mostly bathrobes and scarves
#1 My test subject the night before hamming it up...
#3 Now isn't this a perfect shepard?
#5 I didn't spend a whole lot of time with folks but I need to get better at slowing down and seeing the obvious problems with poses - like the big back of the hand here.