Saying goodbye to Oceanic Pier Atlantic Beach North Carolina

This past spring I helped my Mom move to Utah from her house in coastal North Carolina. Her house was on the intercoastal waterway. And the beach was about 20min away. Needless to say it was a great vacation spot for us. Lots of time spent on the water and eating great seafood. On one hand it is good to have my aging Mom close to us to keep an eye on her. But, it was hard to say goodbye to this place that we had fallen in love with. This is a pic from Oceanic Pier, one of my favorite surf spots on Atlantic Beach. For Christmas I am printing a few NC pics for my Mom. This one is for her new living room. Printing it 16x30 on Epson ColdPress Bright paper.

Nope. Oceanic on Atlantic beach outside of Morehead city.
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