CA: Multiple Exports?
I'm confused. CA is ... well ... A! But there are some very confusing things about it. (First confusion, is there a separate CA forum? Well, anyway...) So, I have been exporting to my iPhone Camera Roll (hereafter iRoll), and I've probably accidentally done it multiple times, which, of course, gives me multiple copies of the same picture. That's only slightly confusing. What's REALLY confusing is that the two copies sometimes appear to be DIFFERENT SIZES!? I try to remove accidental duplicates by comparing the time stamps and sizes, and, of course, that they look alike. The time stamps (and looks) are identical, but the sizes of the shots that I've multiple-exported to iRoll from CA, that I *think* (from ts and look) are identical have DIFFERENT SIZES?! that possible, or am I, as above, confused?
There's no limitation on how often you can export a photo as you can apply different effects, crops or other edits to your various edits.
I've just tried to export a photo multiple times and the 2 resulting photos in the camera roll were exactly the same size both times.
Perhaps you've used the burst shooting mode and that resulted in files that while they look visually identical, are in fact slightly different. Or you've applied some effect that's not really noticable on that particular photo.
Can you give it a try again with a photo and export the same photo twice to see what files you get?
How do you jugde the file size? Can you share your whole workflow on what do you do from the poin that you export the files?
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They really are identical, and I managed to replicate it as follows (see replication attached): 1. Take a picture with CA. 2. Export it to the iRoll. 3. Re-import to CA. 4. Re-export to iRoll. Note that the sizes keep changing -- probably due to compression differences. Also, note that it losses the fstop information, which is a little curious. I'm only slightly scared about the compression differences....could be a problem. I can't upload the raw files for investigation due to upload limits.
I tried to recreate, and did lose some size on the original compression, but none after that. Also, my fstop information stayed intact. Can I ask what you need to do so many imports and exports of the original file for? Maybe we can think of an alternative that won't have this effect.
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The pics ARE different! I expanded them to single pixels and found identical areas; see attached. It's subtle, but they ARE different. Okay, so now I'm really confused. Probably the best thing to do is to use the largest -- presumably this losses the least information.
Attached is out of imagemagick's compare command.
Note that I have no insights in iOS and how access (read / write) from and to the camera roll is handled and I'm just going by what I know about jpg in general.
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