A Gaggle of Geese

This was taken on Thanksgiving Day along Route 2 in Acton, Massachusetts . The area had experienced a light dusting of snow in the early morning hours. I am of two minds about entering the photo in the challenge. It is a serene picture that makes a really nice print and has a very different feel from the other entries to date. But I wonder if it is too "quiet" - dare I say "boring" - to enter. Critiques and comments welcome. Thanks for looking. - Virginia

"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Here are two different cropped versions with less sky and closer views of the birds. Any thoughts?
Crop #1
Crop #2
One of the problems I had when I took the picture was that the geese closest to the road walked away as I approached. Crop #2 shows even more south end views of north bound geese that crop #1 but it has a lot less sky.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Sandy, I used the EF-S 17-85 IS USM kit lens that came with my 20d and took the photo in RAW at 85mm.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks for your thoughts, Eric. A 3:1 doesn't work for me. It doesn't let me include enough of what gives the capture its mood - the trees. But, as noted above, I like the panorama approach for giving a sense of spaciousness without losing that mood. In any event, I am having a hard time deciding what version to enter in the challenge - or whether to enter at all. Well, there are a few hours yet!
I appreciate both of you taking the time to comment and share your input!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I like the uncropped one too. Very nice shot. I actually was enjoying the fact that the sky (their domain) is barren, the trees really warm the view, and below the gaggle.