Mini Challenge #156 - Point Of View (pov) - RESULTS

First, I must say that it's been quite an experience to be on the "other side" of these challenges - both enlightening and great fun to host MC #156: Unique Point Of View. Very nicely done, all of you. Little did I dream when I initiated this little UPOV challenge, the bounty of eclectic images that you all would come up with. Indeed, in retrospect, your many different takes on UPOV put my initial handful of sample pics to shame. Which is to say...
It was tough. 65 entries from 26 photographers (sorry Travelways, as I mentioned in my PM, even after you tweaked your links, no way-no how could I view your pics.)
Furthermore, while some of the entries were a bit light on "Unique" in their Point Of View, it was clear that at least the challenge prompted everyone to look at the concept of UPOV a bit more critically. And that, after all is the whole point to these challenges, no?
I also want to extend special thanks to ShootingStar for questioning just whattheheck DOES make for a UPOV? It certainly prompted me to more closely ponder the often subtle/confounding differences between capturing an unusual subject or simply thoughtful composition vs. a UPOV. And that in turn, helped me greatly in presuming to "judge" the many varied entries for this challenge.
Which brings me to the usual (but nonetheless ever true) disclaimer that... I am but one set of eyes, and one (arguably lucid) brain here, tasked with the decidedly daunting job of winnowing down more than 5 dozen fine images to a "top 3". Thus I can only repeat that my choices are (speaking of "unique pov") but my own unique take on what I consider to be among the best of this particular bunch. That and - thank goodness for the category of HM, 'cuz... most any of the entries in my final sift, could arguably just as easily be among the top trifecta.
O.k. with that said, and without further ado:
The HMs:

A few comments - in no particular order of HM:
slpollett: So glad you submitted the Capitol pic, not only is it a most UPOV of the otherwise oft same ol'-same 'ol photographed Capitol, but the composure is spot on.
grandmaR: No question. The campact mirror shot - with it's softness of grain is a winner here. I only wish you had somehow captured a bit of something/the edge of the powder puff or compact, so we'd know it was a mirror reflectiion. Otherwise it's not a given (i.e. I only know b/c you mentiioned it.)
tinamarie52: Books - Both your entries are interesting perspectives. But the colors and whimsy of the splayed book covers/pages won my heart. A most UPOV and good technicals.
linyangchen: Cessna 421 - Remarkable POV and excellent technicals. Very intriguing and nice subtle colors. But personally, given that I don't know a Cessna from a Toyota Corolla, I had trouble figuring out just what it was (i.e. couldn't make neither head nor "tail" of it - even after you explained.)
dlscott56: Jazz Man - Great POV and wonderful reflection. Just not sure what's doing the reflecting. i.e. like GrandmaR's compact mirror, it might be better had you somehow included a smidge of... what? a shiny instrument?
dlscott56: Shade - Not only a UPOV, but nicely composed on the diagonal, and great techincals. Proof positive that the simplest objects can become wonderful images in the hands of a thoughtful photographer.
KevXman: King's Gambit - There's just something about those Asian chessmen that intrigues me (could it be 'cuz I'm hanging out here in Vietnam?)
But seriously, the colors are just so vivid, the depth of field so perfect, the light on the piece in the foreground, and the POV such that it seems they might all suddenly just hop off their wee pedestals and march right off the board!
sapphire73: Over and Under - Not sure where it is (presume an airport?) A most thoughtfully captured UPOV. Love the colors and the symmetry; nicely framed. And the single figure - perfect timing!
3rd Place: davev, Real Shot

All three of your entries were excellent as always, but that bird w/ the moon - a most rare, once-in-a-lifetime moment - captured beautifully. No doubt a bugger to set it up and execute so perfectly. You make it look easy.
2nd Place: puzzledpaul, Stable Relationship

Truly one-of-a-kind. That you even noticed/thought to capture that reflection in the eye of a steed is amazing. But to do it with such technical precision is remarkable. The glisten of the eye, the sharpness of the eyelashes, the exposure - all spot-on.
1st Place: JohnRog, Prom Dates

Such droll perfection, right down to the bitsy scab on the lass' knee. Made even better by the sepia tones. It really took an especially thoughtful eye to spot the UPOV and then compose and snap it so brilliantly. But what really lifts it to the top, is that the entire image tells a story. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile.
And finally, as the top spot winner of MC #156 - I shall pass the reigns to you JohnRog, to conjur up MC #157:
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round your first step is coming up with a new theme, and start a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging start a new thread (again use the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up, it is important to have runners up incase the winner does not show within the 72hr window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72hrs.
7. After the 72hrs and the winner does not show up, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the show.
It was tough. 65 entries from 26 photographers (sorry Travelways, as I mentioned in my PM, even after you tweaked your links, no way-no how could I view your pics.)
Furthermore, while some of the entries were a bit light on "Unique" in their Point Of View, it was clear that at least the challenge prompted everyone to look at the concept of UPOV a bit more critically. And that, after all is the whole point to these challenges, no?
I also want to extend special thanks to ShootingStar for questioning just whattheheck DOES make for a UPOV? It certainly prompted me to more closely ponder the often subtle/confounding differences between capturing an unusual subject or simply thoughtful composition vs. a UPOV. And that in turn, helped me greatly in presuming to "judge" the many varied entries for this challenge.
Which brings me to the usual (but nonetheless ever true) disclaimer that... I am but one set of eyes, and one (arguably lucid) brain here, tasked with the decidedly daunting job of winnowing down more than 5 dozen fine images to a "top 3". Thus I can only repeat that my choices are (speaking of "unique pov") but my own unique take on what I consider to be among the best of this particular bunch. That and - thank goodness for the category of HM, 'cuz... most any of the entries in my final sift, could arguably just as easily be among the top trifecta.
O.k. with that said, and without further ado:
The HMs:

A few comments - in no particular order of HM:
slpollett: So glad you submitted the Capitol pic, not only is it a most UPOV of the otherwise oft same ol'-same 'ol photographed Capitol, but the composure is spot on.
grandmaR: No question. The campact mirror shot - with it's softness of grain is a winner here. I only wish you had somehow captured a bit of something/the edge of the powder puff or compact, so we'd know it was a mirror reflectiion. Otherwise it's not a given (i.e. I only know b/c you mentiioned it.)
tinamarie52: Books - Both your entries are interesting perspectives. But the colors and whimsy of the splayed book covers/pages won my heart. A most UPOV and good technicals.
linyangchen: Cessna 421 - Remarkable POV and excellent technicals. Very intriguing and nice subtle colors. But personally, given that I don't know a Cessna from a Toyota Corolla, I had trouble figuring out just what it was (i.e. couldn't make neither head nor "tail" of it - even after you explained.)
dlscott56: Jazz Man - Great POV and wonderful reflection. Just not sure what's doing the reflecting. i.e. like GrandmaR's compact mirror, it might be better had you somehow included a smidge of... what? a shiny instrument?
dlscott56: Shade - Not only a UPOV, but nicely composed on the diagonal, and great techincals. Proof positive that the simplest objects can become wonderful images in the hands of a thoughtful photographer.
KevXman: King's Gambit - There's just something about those Asian chessmen that intrigues me (could it be 'cuz I'm hanging out here in Vietnam?)

sapphire73: Over and Under - Not sure where it is (presume an airport?) A most thoughtfully captured UPOV. Love the colors and the symmetry; nicely framed. And the single figure - perfect timing!
3rd Place: davev, Real Shot

All three of your entries were excellent as always, but that bird w/ the moon - a most rare, once-in-a-lifetime moment - captured beautifully. No doubt a bugger to set it up and execute so perfectly. You make it look easy.
2nd Place: puzzledpaul, Stable Relationship

Truly one-of-a-kind. That you even noticed/thought to capture that reflection in the eye of a steed is amazing. But to do it with such technical precision is remarkable. The glisten of the eye, the sharpness of the eyelashes, the exposure - all spot-on.
1st Place: JohnRog, Prom Dates

Such droll perfection, right down to the bitsy scab on the lass' knee. Made even better by the sepia tones. It really took an especially thoughtful eye to spot the UPOV and then compose and snap it so brilliantly. But what really lifts it to the top, is that the entire image tells a story. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile.
And finally, as the top spot winner of MC #156 - I shall pass the reigns to you JohnRog, to conjur up MC #157:
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round your first step is coming up with a new theme, and start a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging start a new thread (again use the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up, it is important to have runners up incase the winner does not show within the 72hr window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72hrs.
7. After the 72hrs and the winner does not show up, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the show.
"I am not the same, having seen the moon rise on the other side of the world."
I totally agree with Travelnlass, this is a great shot. Makes me smile too. A very unusual way to photograph prom but which still tells the story very well.
I am looking forward to seeing the theme you will choose !
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TravelnLass, thanks for a fun mini, the HM, and for giving the heads up about the dwindling hours left in the challenge! The Over and Under shot was taken at O'Hare airport in the United terminal during a rather long layover.
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TravelnLass - Kudos for a mini that engaged more than the typical number of entries and kept us coming back to see new cool stuff!
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
It might well have been - in the past - because it was over 20yrs old at the time and the pic was taken in '99. Since there's a pet food Co about 15mls away from the stables (now closed down), I suspect it's probably provided sustenance for a good few pampered pooches etc.
I always had an hr+ to kill after depositing daughter No2 for her lesson ... and this 'ol nag would just stand perfectly still, sunning itself on the rare occasions the yellow orb was present.
On this partic day, all the planets came into alignment - sun, still nag, decent position, eye facing illuminated area ... as soon as I saw the head shadow (as chess knight) I knew I'd have to have a go.
One of about 4 shots, I pulled back a little for this when I saw the dog come into frame / eye and decided to have a kip.
(Canon T90 iirc + 135mm close focus lens ... I never bought any Canon AF film gear)
— Kevin
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One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
i'm such a noob
As for the "Once in a lifetime shot"
Heh heh heh. From today.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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