background question
Hi I am very new at this and still learning......I was just wondering how to change the background color on my pages but I would like to have different colors for different pages...the easy customizer changes all the pages.......
does anybody know the css code to put in to change the backgrounds of each page differently?
and also the css code if I wanted to put a custom image to a background?
does anybody know the css code to put in to change the backgrounds of each page differently?
and also the css code if I wanted to put a custom image to a background?
Then ciick background>use custom background and you can select an image or choose a color from the color picker.
You can see what it will look like in the 'preview' window. If you like the way it looks, cilck 'publish' for the changes to take effect.
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Login and click Tools>Account settings>style>advanced customizer>manage
.gallery_XXXXXXXX {
You'll have to replace the X's with the gallery ID. You can find the gallery ID by visiting the gallery and the ID is the first number after the category
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