New to DGrin - dirtbike poster
I am new to the form and I thought I would put out two pics I got 2 weeks ago of my son at the track. I am some what new to adobe but I have figured out the blend mode. I am open for all comments - good or bad. Thanks.

I must have missed that...thanks. Ok...I think I have it now.
IMHO, the shots look like they are about to jump off the poster. This is good and bad... It's not a photography thing, it's a graphics arts thing. The action should move your eye. Believe me it does. However, my eyes want to move off the poster when I get to the top right shot. A bit to soon. If you could reverse the top right image so it moved back into the poster, my eyes would "bounce" back into the bike collage and see the bottom shots.
It also could be that it's 2:30am and I am still awake and not sleeping.
All the shots are very nice and worth printing. Your son should be proud and so should you.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
Thanks johnno. I did print this one out as 16x20 poster and it turned out awesome!! Smugmug's poster size prints are good quality. You know you are right I about the picture in the top right corner. I guess I never thought about flippin the picture around to pull the viewer back in. I am going to try this out. THANKS!