Pretty ladies and a little story

This beautiful doe has been somewhat of a fixture around our place since she arrived injured at our home four years ago. When we first saw her the bone was protruding from her right leg, she laid near a blowdown for days getting only the food I brought to her. Long story short, you can see she recovered, gets around very well and has given birth to twin fawns the last three years.
Nature does have a way of taking care of its own at times. :clap
Meet "Hobbles" as my wife calls her.

Pretty lady in a snowburst

Nature does have a way of taking care of its own at times. :clap
Meet "Hobbles" as my wife calls her.

Pretty lady in a snowburst

Really like the first Cardinal shot
Hard to say, this happened just after doe hunting season. She could have stepped in a hole, caught her hoof in a rock who knows.
At one point I thought about ending her suffering but when I saw how much determination to survive she had I chose to let it play out. Glad I did.
Yes before anyone asks I have been a lifetime hunter and fisherman so this type of thing was nothing new to me.