DSS #121 Centered?
I am traveling and won't be home until next week, so I looked at the photos that I took the last couple of days and picked a few. I'd be glad accept ideas, thoughts and criticisms about which I might use for this challenge. Keep in mind that I will not be able to reshoot any of these, and my skill in editing is limited. My own favorites are the first and last ones.

Last one needs to be straightened and maybe a tighter and square crop to eliminate the sky on the sides
I'm in Georgia now, I'll be in SC for the next 3 days and then a day in NC before I get home to MD and at that point it will be unpacking and doctor's appointments and getting back to normal.
When I first saw the theme I thought of something like #4, which is the hallway of the hotel we were staying at last night. And #6 came the closest to that as a nice photo. (It is in Fort Matanzas). But after Ilooked at the examples, I thought #1 might do also.
I'm in GA now, going to SC for 3 days and then a day in NC and then home to MD, when it will be unpacking, docotor's appointments and getting back to normal. And dealing with the over 3000 photos that Bob and I have taken on this trip which need to be edited and posted.
I may wait to see if I can take one 'on purpose' fr the challenge - these were just ones that I took in the last couple of days without knowing about the challenge.
I was looking at your photo in the gallery, love it BTW... I see that the date is 1-21-13... But you might want to check to see that your time is within the time frame. (8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) ) If I am looking at it correctly it was taken several hours before the challenge began. I would hate for you not to have a valid entry and not know until your were DQ'ed.
My SmugMug
So I looked again, but I'm thinking of using this one cropped and straightened