Natural History Museum of Utah

Perhaps I am getting a little sentimental as I get older. I am finding the satisfaction in an image not in the lines, form, shape, and texture - but in the raw emotive qualities. And not those qualities which scream at you, but those emotions that have a kind of calm moment about them. The everyday kind of experience. Emotions not at the edge of our lives, but at the heart of them.
These are two images from a larger hodgepodge of images taken in one "space." If anyone out there likes these two, I have more on the blog:
Any feedback is most welcome.
These are two images from a larger hodgepodge of images taken in one "space." If anyone out there likes these two, I have more on the blog:


Any feedback is most welcome.
Please feel free to post any reworks you do of my images. Crop, skew, munge, edit, share.
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs