Have you published/sold a book of photos?
Hi Folks;
I have a silly question. Has anyone here ever poublished a book of thier images trhough a publisher?
My Brother-in-law claims that it's incredibly easy to do and just did it himself. Now it gets interesting when I ask him how he went about doing it. He's very sketchy with the details and quickly changes the subject.
It appears that he hooked up with an author who was just happened to be looking for a photographer. It was pure luck on his part considering that he did photograph this person's wedding.
I'd be interested in giving this a shot myself, so I was curious if anyone here has gone through this process. And if so, would you mind posting a few general things to get the ball rolling?
I have a silly question. Has anyone here ever poublished a book of thier images trhough a publisher?
My Brother-in-law claims that it's incredibly easy to do and just did it himself. Now it gets interesting when I ask him how he went about doing it. He's very sketchy with the details and quickly changes the subject.
It appears that he hooked up with an author who was just happened to be looking for a photographer. It was pure luck on his part considering that he did photograph this person's wedding.
I'd be interested in giving this a shot myself, so I was curious if anyone here has gone through this process. And if so, would you mind posting a few general things to get the ball rolling?
Haven't been writing in forums much lately. Received this thread link through e-mail. On a personal note, I've recently returned from two months photographing wildlife in the Canadian Rocky mountains using a 1DmkII and 500/f4.
In 1989 Third Eye Press Published a collaboration between Michael Bullock (writings) and my B&W photography called "Vancouver Moods". The theme: Wild and natural spaces in and around Vancouver B.C. through four seasons.
Publishers are looking for good finacial reason to risk and advance their capital in their choices of what they will publish, promote and distribute. Their concerns include: Is there wide mainstream interest in the subject, and to what extent is the photographer being considered established, recognized, and previously published.
Daunting Yes, however if you factor in such things as serendipity, luck, personal contacts, and persistence the balance of possibilities may shift in your favor, over time.
A second option is self publishing, which I have also done. Here a strong and realistic business plan is essential. You raise the capital, take the calculated risks, sustaining oneself with clear and strong Intent. My CD-ROM slide shows of wild nature were published with my company called "Enriching Publications" with individual ISBN #'s. Self publishing involves wearing many hats, a diversity of roles, responsibilies, and loads of self reliance.
In 1967, I co-published a hardcover limted ed./500 book...my drawings, Bill Maranda's writings. A major benefit of a collaboration is sharing the work load, as self publishing can consume huge blocks of time. The major benefit in artistic terms is that you have creative control over the final results.
A downside of self-publishing is that higher artistic standards, are reflected in greater printing costs. Also the smaller the number of offset books printed the greater the unit price. The crutial choice in the size of the run is further reflected further down the line in distribution, and retail mark-up.
Lots to consider, with many issues arising along the way. If you really want to publish, or be published with a passion, if you have put in your dues, and your photography is ready for this, (through independant appraisal), then proceed, and good luck to you.
Great post Norman, thank you very much for shaing your experience here.
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